On April 3, A Celebration of Howard Zinn, 1922 - 2010

Most history professors never get arrested for civil disobedience. Boston University history professor Howard Zinn was arrested many times, protesting for peace, workers’ rights, and civil rights.

Most books by history professors do not tell the story of poor and working class people who changed the world by acting collectively. Zinn told the story of the auto workers who, with their strikes in the 1930s, effectively created the American middle class. He told this and many similar stories in his book, A People’s History of the United States. The book sold some 2 million copies – more than almost any other book ever written by a history professor. Zinn died on January 27. He was 87.

On April 3 at 4:30 p.m. in Marlboro, Vermont – near Brattleboro and just a few miles from Massachusetts -- Marlboro College professor Jerry Levy will perform a one-man play written by Zinn. The event is free and open to the public and will be followed by dinner.

Other events celebrating Zinn’s life are also scheduled for April 3 at the college. Details are at www.marlboro.edu/news/events


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