In Greenfield, Thousands Say 'No Incinerator'

More than a third of some 11,000 eligible voters showed up to vote in Greenfield on June 8. They overwhelmingly vetoed the Greenfield mayor’s and city council’s support of plans by an incinerator corporation to build in Greenfield. The company is Madera Energy Corporation (MEC).

Janet Sinclair was a leader of the campaign against the incinerator. “This is a great victory,” she said.

An MEC spokesman said his company would seek to build an incinerator in Greenfield despite the will of the people.

More information about the incinerator fight is available at and from the Amherst office of

The mayor and city council have also been generally supportive of a plan by an un-named “big box” corporation to build in Greenfield. Greenfield resident Al Norman says the secret company is Wal-Mart. Norman’s web site is


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