Northampton Nursing Home Workers Ask Public to Rally July 19

On July 19 at 2:30 p.m., Northampton nursing home workers will hold a rally for justice. The workers are asking the public to attend. The rally will be at 737 Bridge Road. Directions are at

A New York real estate developer is taking over as the new management company at Northampton Nursing Home and is making drastic changes that are jeopardizing the quality of care, workers there say. The 120 nurses, rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and recreation therapy aides and other support staff have provided consistent care for years at the 166 bed facility. This is the only facility in western Massachusetts certified for critical pediatric care and services.

That care is now threatened as new management -– unfamiliar with the residents and unfamiliar with nursing homes -– is on the verge of taking over and slashing staff and supplies.

For details, contact Mike Fadel of at (617) 284-1199 or


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