March for Jobs is Sept. 15 in Springfield

There will be a march in Springfield at 4 p.m. on September 15 calling on Congress to raise taxes on the rich to create jobs for unemployed people. The jobs would include work building better trains and train tracks, making homes and other building more energy efficient, and installing solar panels and windmills.

Organizers are asking the public to meet at 1550 Main Street at 3:45 p.m. Putting the millions of jobless Americans to work would raise wages for workers who already have jobs because employers would be forced to compete for skilled workers.

The march is being organized by the western Massachusetts chapter of Jobs With Justice

The march will start outside U.S. Senator John Kerry’s office, proceed to Springfield City Hall, and end outside Congressman Richard Neal’s office. The total distance is less than one mile.

Organizers will provide signs, or people can bring their own. Carpools are being organized from Greenfield, Northampton, and Amherst.


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