81 Acres Near Amherst Saved From Development

The Kestrel Trust recently saved an 81 parcel of land in Pelham, near Amherst, from development. The land, at 339 Amherst Road, includes farm fields and 65 acres of forest and wetlands. Funding came from the town of Amherst, which gets some of its drinking water from the land, and the state Department of Environmental Protection.

The property is adjacent to nearly 2,000 acres of permanently protected open space.

The Kestrel Trust helped identify a buyer to purchase a house that came with the land; paid for an appraisal; and got the home buyer to agree not to permanently protect from development a 12 acre field that came with the house.

More information on the deal is at www.KestrelTrust.org

Background on land use in the Valley is at www.valleypost.org/node/133


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