Springfield Rally to Tax the Rich Is March 19

On March 19, activists will rally on the steps of Springfield city hall at 5:30 p.m. to support raising taxes on the rich to help the poor. The event is being organized by the Springfield Coalition of the Campaign for Our Communities to support a resolution that's before the city council. The resolution is sponsored by city council member Michael Fenton. It urges governor Deval Patrick and the state legislature to support the “Act to Invest in Our Communities.” The Act would raise taxes on the rich to help the poor.

In the past four years, the Springfield mayor and city council cut more than $18 million from the city’s budget for schools, libraries, garbage collection, the fire and police departments, road repair, and playgrounds. After the rally, organizers are asking people to attend the 6:30 p.m. city council meeting. City hall is at 36 Court Street.

More information is available from Linda Stone by phone at (413) 543-2334 or by e-mail at lstone@masssenioraction.org or by going to www.MassSeniorAction.org


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