Student Debt Protest Is April 25 in Amherst

At the Amherst Town Common on April 25 from 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. there will be a protest against student debt. "Whether you have graduated and are paying off loans, a parent of a student paying off loans, a current student, or a prospective student, student loans are a reality that all will have to face," said event organizer and Hampshire College student Aislinn Bauer. In 2010, the average college senior who got a student loan owed $25,250. In 2008, more than two-thirds of students who graduated from four-year colleges and universities had student loan debt. The government should cut military spending and raise taxes on the rich to make college free, organizers say. Exisiting college loans should be forgiven, according to

The Common is at the corner of Spring and South Pleasant streets in downtown Amherst. More information is available by going to

or by contacting Bauer at or by phone: (609) 651-3689.


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