Springfield Eviction Protests Are July 30, July 31

On July 30 and July 31 in Springfield, there will be protests against corporate banks outside the homes of two families who are facing eviction. Both actions are at 7 p.m. The rallies are being organized by the group that organized a protest in Springfield at Bank of America in November. Hundreds of people attended the protest; 15 were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience. Photos are at:


Aurora Bank and Deutsche Bank corporations want to evict two poor families from their homes at the same time as they pay their CEOs millions of dollars a year. The July 30 action against Aurura Corporation will be at 27 Talmadge Drive. The July 31 rally against Deutsche Corporation will be at 53 Palo Alto Road. More information is available at the organizers’ web site www.SpringfieldNoOneleaves.org or by calling (413) 342-1804.


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