Rail Trail Gets Better

Swanzey, New Hampshire (population 7,200) borders Keene and is about six miles from Massachusetts and Vermont. On August 1, town officials and the public will celebrate major improvements to Swanzey's bicycle and pedestrian trail, the 21-mile Ashuelot Rail Trail. The trail goes from Keene to Winchester, New Hampshire.

Photos of the trail are at:


More than $50,000 was invested this year to fix a bridge on the trail and resurface some of the trail.

The celebration will go from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. where Pine, Railroad, and North Grove streets intersect. In case of rain, a cancellation notice will be posted at www.town.swanzey.nh.us.

Walking and riding a bicycle reduces obesity. Treatment of obesity-related health problems for people without health insurance costs taxpayers billions of dollars a year.

Walking or riding a bicycle, rather than driving, is good for the environment. Cars cause global warming.

There are rail trails in Brattleboro www.WestRiverTrail.org and Northampton: www.fntg.net.


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