16 More Protesters Arrested

Sixteen people were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience between August 22 and August 27 at Wendell Massachusetts State Forest near Greenfield, bringing the total number of arrests to 25 since August 6. The goal was to stop planned logging of 80 acres of 110 year old oak trees on publicly owned land.

The USA is losing 6,000 acres of open space to development every day. Stopping logging on publicly owned land forces logging companies to buy their own land. If the loggers want to grow new trees after logging, the land can't be paved.

More information, and links to the organizers' Facebook pages, are at:


A phone number, e-mail address, and snail mail address are at:



On September 20 in Amherst, Brattleboro, Keene, and Northampton, there will be rallies calling on politicians to do more to stop climate change. As of August 28, more than 25 people had RSVP'd to the Brattleboro rally. Details about that one are at:


It starts at noon at Pliny Park.

The Amherst rally starts at noon at 1 Campus Center Way.

The Northampton rally starts at noon at Pulaski Park.

Keene will have two rallies: at 11 a.m. at 229 Main Street and at 3 p.m. at Central Square.

Details about all the rallies are at:



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