100 at Homeless Rally

About 100 people attended a rally to demand politicians provide good quality homes for homeless people. The rally was in Montague, Massachusetts, which borders Greenfield. It was on December 24. Cate Woolner organized the rally. In her speech at the rally she said, “Welcome and thank you for choosing to spend some of your Christmas Eve here, shining a light on the fact that on any given night, not just Christmas Eve, there are 30 – 40 community members sleeping in cars and tents, couch surfing from friend to friend or in the hospital or other facility with no where to go upon discharge. I am not talking about the folks who are living in shelters, which are chronically full even in summer.... What are we demanding? That Governor Baker exercise his authority to declare the state of emergency that exists before us and no one is required to sleep outside in freezing temperatures, or in unsafe or unstable conditions at any time much less during this heightened time of the pandemic. Our state legislators must demand that the governor act now to meet this emergency need."

The below photo shows the rally. To enlarge the photo, click on it, then scroll down and click “see full size image.” Photo by Cate Woolner.


Hinsdale, New Hampshire borders Brattleboro, Vermont. It appears that a high percentage of police in Hinsdale may be liars and/or incompetent. The town is home to about 3,900 people. New Hampshire is home to about 1.4 million people. That means fewer than 1 percent of the state's population lives in Hinsdale. But 4 percent of the people on a list of New Hampshire police officers who in recent years were found to have lied, been incompetent, and/or were criminals, are from Hinsdale. The list was released on December 29 by the New Hampshire Department of Justice. It's at:


The list can also be found by going to www.doj.nh.gov then clicking on, "Exculpatory Evidence Schedule."


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