200 at Springfield Rally

About 200 people attended a rally in Springfield on April 9. The goal was to stop a proposed fossil fuel pipeline that would go about six miles from Springfield to Longmeadow, Massachusetts. The pipeline would cost around $35 million.

One of the speakers at the rally was Jake Oliveira. He represents Springfield in the Massachusetts state legislature. On April 11, Oliveira told the Valley Post the event was organized by a group that has a web site at www.StopTheToxicPipeline.org.

In June 2019, the Valley Post spoke with one of the organizers of that group, Michele Marantz. The group organized a rally on June 11, 2019. “In May we had a town meeting vote to try to stop the pipeline. It passed by a vote of about 300 to six,” she said. “The pipeline would be in Springfield too. We printed 1,000 fliers and went door to door. We want the town of Longmeadow to stop the pipeline by buying the land where it would go.”


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