Joe Bataan Concert

6/1/2023 update: "Joe Bataan is not coming this year," Foote told the Valley Post on June 1.


Brian Foote works for the city of Northampton. He told the Valley Post that in August or early September 2023 at 6 p.m. there will be a free concert. Joe Bataan will play at Pulaski Park in Northampton. By June 1, Foote will have the exact date, he said. You can hear one of Bataan's songs at:

Bataan was born and raised in New York City. His mother was African-American; his father was Filipino. Starting at age 15, he spent five years in prison for riding in a stolen vehicle, according to his web site. Bataan had his first recording success in 1967 with "Gypsy Woman." The song became a hit in New York’s Latino community. He later worked as a counselor for young people in prison.


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