Activists Take to the Streets

In Vernon, Vermont, a nuclear waste dump sits three miles from Massachusetts and a stone's throw from New Hampshire. An accident at the facility could kill thousands of people and leave an area the size of New England permanently uninhabitable. The dump is owned and operated by the Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation.

Currently, the federal government requires Entergy to pay for an emergency alert system so people within 10 miles of the dump will know to evacuate the area. The system includes sirens, free “tone alert” radios for residents, and a so-called “reverse 911” phone system that would call people and play a recorded message.

Entergy wants to end the emergency alert system next year. On March 2, the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the company's plan. In response, activists will hold a protest march from the dump (known as Vermont Yankee) to Brattleboro on March 14 at noon. The six mile march will be followed by a rally in downtown Brattleboro. Details are available at:

or by contacting organizer Leslie Sullivan Sachs at or by phone at (802) 763-8459.

Another group is helping to promote the event.


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