English Beat Concert is October 11

The English Beat will play in Holyoke on October 11 at 8 p.m. The band plays ska. The audience dances. Members of the band include Deborah Troiano, King Schascha, and Dave Wakeling, who was born into a working class family in Birmingham, England, according to the band's web site.

The band has donated money to efforts to ban all nuclear weapons. In September 2018 they are playing in England and California. The photo shows Schascha. To enlarge the photo, click on it, then scroll down and click "see full size image." photo from www.TheKingSchascha.com

The band's concert on Cape Cod in August 2018 got a stellar review from the local newspaper. Tickets for the Holyoke concert are available at www.GatewayCityArts.com.


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