Springfield Rally is June 5

In Springfield on June 5 there will be a rally to protest a plan by the governor to make more electricity by burning trees. "Burning trees to produce electricity is dirty and destructive. It creates more carbon pollution than coal, gas, and oil. It destroys forests and our heritage along with them." That's according to:


The rally will start at 5:45 p.m. outside 1015 Wilbraham Road. Details are at:


The governor's plan would likely result in construction of a power plant in Springfield. On May 25, a group that has a web page at www.facebook.com/AriseForSocialJustice wrote, "Springfield has some of the worst air quality in Massachusetts and the nation. With ever-increasing traffic pollution, nearby power plants, and the Covanta garbage incinerator, the last thing we need is another polluting power plant here."


In Brattleboro, Critical Mass bike rides will happen on the last Friday of every month, starting May 31. The ride will start at 6 p.m. at the town common. Details are at:


Critical Mass bicycle rides started in 1992 in California and have since spread around the world. Hundreds of people ride together in a group on roads, forcing cars to go at bicycle speed. They often chant, “Critical Mass, don't use gas!”

The goal is to get politicians to deal with climate change, which the world's leading scientists say is a major threat to earth's ability to support human life. Photos of a 2018 Critical Mass in Brattleboro are at:



Burning trees and biomass

Thanks for writing about this. Hard to believe, facing the climate crisis, that burning ANYTHING for fuel, especially our trees, can be promoted in a so-called progressive state.

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