Springfield Rally is September 9

In Springfield on September 9 there will be a rally outside city hall to call on the mayor and city council to provide more affordable housing. The rally goes from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. In addition to affordable housing, the protesters want jobs that pay better, among other demands. Details are at:


The city is home to about 155,000 people, 67 percent of whom are people of color.


As of September 4, a climate change rally in Amherst set for September 20 had 80 RSVPs. The noon rally will be at the University of Massachusetts. The exact location is to be announced. Details are at:



On September 3, the Vermont Land Trust announced in an e-mail to its members it has permanently protected 142 acres of farmland in Vernon, Vermont. Vernon is on the Connecticut river and the Massachusetts border.


On August 30, more frequent passenger train service started between Greenfield and Springfield with stops in Northampton and Holyoke. This victory is the result of the work of activists who have a web site at www.TrainsInTheValley.org. There already was frequent passenger train service between Springfield and New York City. On September 3 one of the activists, Ben Heckscher, told the Valley Post the group is working on getting Google Maps to list the schedules for the news trains. The schedules – and tickets – are available at www.amtrak.com.


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