Holyoke Rally

On January 25 at 11 a.m. in Holyoke there will be a climate rally. The rally on the steps of city hall calls on Holyoke-based ISO New England to stop using the public's money to burn coal to generate electricity. Last year, ISO New England had $547 million in assets, according to its tax filings. More information about the rally is available from organizer Elizabeth Caretti Ramírez by phone at (215) 355-2145 or by e-mail at caretti.ramirez@gmail.com.


On January 18 in Keene, dozens of people attended a rally in solidarity with the Women's March that day in Washington, DC. Signs at the Keene rally opposed Trump's policies and called for women's rights. This year could mark the election of the first ever female president of the USA.

Ashfield, Massachusetts is near Northampton and Greenfield. On January 18 in Ashfield, about 35 people attended a rally in solidarity with the Women's March, organizer Gayle Kabaker told the Valley Post.


In November 2019, Marlboro College in Marlboro, Vermont announced it will permanently close. Marlboro borders Brattleboro. The college owns about 500 acres of land. About 60 acres of the land has buildings on it. On January 22, 2020 a spokesman for the Vermont chapter of the Nature Conservancy said his group is trying to decide whether to save the 440 acres of forestland.


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