Protest at Whole Foods

On November 23 in Hadley, Massachusetts there was a protest rally outside Whole Foods. Hadley borders Northampton and Amherst. Whole Foods is owned by Amazon. About 10 people were at the rally, organizer Jackie Velez told the Valley Post. They handed out fliers to customers. Velez works for Massachusetts Jobs With Justice.

According to a press release from the group, Amazon's “demands are so high that people working at Amazon warehouses collapse from exhaustion and some have died on the job. All the while, Amazon shareholders and executives rake in outrageous profits.”

The below photo shows Velez. To enlarge the photo, click on it, then scroll down and click “see full size image.” photo by Neighbor to Neighbor


In Northampton on November 27 there will be a reproductive rights rally. It will be at noon outside 129 Main Street. The rally is being organized by Planned Parenthood and a group that has a web page at:

In Brattleboro in recent months there have been protests outside Planned Parenthood for and against abortion rights.


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