75 at Rally

In Northampton on June 24 about 75 people attended an abortion rights rally. The organizers have a web site at:


The number one cause of climate change is overpopulation. Details are at:



On June 29 Katie Talbot told the Valley Post she and 31 other Pioneer Valley residents got back from DC at 1 a.m. that day. They went to an outdoor rally for good quality affordable housing. About 950 people were at the rally. Talbot works for a group that has a web site at https://n2nma.org.

Charles Stokes lives in Springfield. He went to DC with the group. Stokes told the Valley Post, “The trip was awesome. We got to make Washington, DC pay attention: housing is a right for everyone. No one should be homeless. The War on Drugs was a war on us. The people united will never be defeated. People from all walks of life came together with the sole purpose to make America a great place for all people to live, in a safe space where we can just be humans.”

Stokes is fourth from left in the below photo. He gave the Valley Post permission to use the photo.


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