Amy Ray in Amherst Nov. 17

Amy Ray and Emily Saliers founded the the Grammy Award-winning band the Indigo Girls. The first few seconds of Ray's latest CD, Didn't It Feel Kinder, are taken up by her voice alone. Throughout the album, Ray's voice is direct, unsentimental and free of irony.

This record sounds more like the Indigo Girls than Ray's first three solo recordings, which were more punk. The best song on the new CD is "Cold Shoulder," a celebratory rocker: "See that girl over there, she's gonna give me the cold shoulder/ she may be straight tonight, but last night she let me hold her."

Another song on Kinder praises radio stations that reject commercials and NPR-style "underwriting messages," and that are run democratically, by listeners. An example is Northampton's Valley Free Radio.

Other winners of Grammy Awards include U2, Norah Jones, and Bob Dylan. Many rock stars attend the annual Grammy Award ceremony.

Amy Ray performed a stellar public concert on November 17 in Amherst.


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