January 18 is Mass Rally

Flix, a German company, runs buses between the Springfield Amtrak station and downtown Boston that take 1 hour and 35 minutes. Tickets are $17. There are multiple Amtrak trains per day to Springfield from Holyoke, Northampton, Greenfield and Brattleboro.

On January 18, the Women's March organization will host a rally in Boston. On Trump's first day in office the group organized what was at the time the biggest protest in US history, according to a Washington Post article published on 1/12/2020. (The Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 were even bigger.) Details about the Boston march are at www.WomensMarch.com.

In Northampton, thousands of people attended women's marches during Trump's first term. Photos are at:




According to


Rachel Maiore is a member of the Northampton city council and the director of the Pioneer Valley Women’s March. On November 6, she told the Valley Post there will be a Women's March in Northampton but she did not yet have any details. On December 27 she told the Valley Post she still did not have any details.

One way to get politicians to do things is a general strike. Strikes helped end apartheid in South Africa in 1994. In the USA in the 1930s strikes created the middle class.


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