Peace Rallies Set

On November 21, 2024 the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for the Prime Minister of Israel. In Brattleboro on January 4 at noon there will be a rally to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. The rally will be outside the main post office. A group that's promoting the rally has a web page at:

A rally for the same cause will happen in Northampton on January 10 at 3:30 p.m. Details are available via:

The ICC arrest warrant is at:


On December 27, 2024 the Boston Globe published a news article headlined, “New England’s deer population is skyrocketing.” The suburbs around Springfield, Massachusetts have lots of deer due to hunting bans, the article says. “Deer tend to eat up all the small seeds and saplings that help rejuvenate forests,” the article says. Deer bring ticks that carry Lyme disease that affects humans. The Globe says hunting is the answer. The article doesn't mention coyotes, which eat deer. Vermont allows people to shoot coyotes 24/7/365. Vermont only allows deer hunting for a relatively tiny number of hours per year.

(The group Protect Our Wildlife Vermont supports deer hunting and is fighting to save coyotes. Too many deer is bad for moose, the Globe article says.)

The Globe article does not mention bows and arrows, which can be used to hunt deer. Guns are a major problem. While archery is more challenging, professional archers can be trained and hired by taxing the rich, if volunteer archers aren't up to the task. Suburban sprawl makes it harder for people to hunt deer safely. Increasing funding for land trusts is part of the answer.

History is full of examples of mass movements of ordinary people successfully pushing politicians to end wars earlier than they otherwise would have (Vietnam) and to protect forests and farmland (the national park system and hundreds of acres of farmland protected from development in recent years in the Pioneer Valley and the Brattleboro area).


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