Bear Chases Man Near Downtown Keene; Both OK

From the Keene Sentinel: A hungry young black bear ripped open a homeless man’s tent Tuesday (May 26) and chased him through the woods in Keene, according to wildlife officials. The local man, identified as Dave Kolek, was not injured during the incident. Kolek wears tattered clothing, has a thick beard and long hair and is known by an array of nicknames, including “Tarzan” and “Jumanji.”

The bear tore open Kolek’s tent, which was located in a wooded area near the intersection of Main Street and Route 101, shortly after 10:30 a.m., N.H. Fish and Game Officer Josiah Towne said.

The full article, and a photo of Kolek, are at


There were at least six

There were at least six reports of black bear sightings on May 30 and May 31 in Northampton, Mass.

Bear info is at

Kolek started the fight when

Kolek started the fight when he tried to chase the bear away from his tent. If Kolek had left the bear alone the wild animal probably would have eaten the man's food but not chased the the man, the Keene Sentinel reported on May 29.

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