Audio: Police Crackdown in Downtown Brattleboro

The first edition of Valley Post Radio aired on WVEW Brattleboro Community Radio on July 21. Eesha Williams interviewed Ellen Schwartz, a public school teacher, activist, and long-time resident of downtown Brattleboro. Schwartz spoke about the recent police crackdown on people -- especially young people -- hanging out in downtown Brattleboro. Police began issuing $50 tickets for "loitering" following a drug-related murder on Elliot Street on June 15.

The radio program is about 15 minutes long. To listen, please go to then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "play" button.

The July 21 episode of Valley Post Radio also includes a brief discussion of the July 15 Post article "A Local Worker Talks About His Union."

More information on WVEW is at


In the audio file, I read the

In the audio file, I read the wrong phone number for the Vermont Workers Center. The correct number is (802) 861-2877. The group's web site is (I got that right in the audio file.)

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