Workers' Rally Is March 2 in Amherst

Activists are asking the public to attend a rally in Amherst on March 2 to show their solidarity with government workers in Wisconsin. Tens of thousands of workers have been rallying at the Wisconsin state capitol in recent days to protest anti-union legislation proposed by that state’s governor. Similar legislation is pending in several other states. Experts say the trend will likely affect workers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

The March 2 rally will go from 11:45 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. outside the Student Union building at UMass Amherst. A campus map is at

Parking is expensive on campus, but it's easy to get there by public transit:

It takes about 15 minutes to walk to the rally location from downtown Amherst.

More information on the rally is available at

or by contacting Ferd Wulkan of by phone at
(413) 627-5268 or at


On February 26, there will be a noon rally in solidarity with the Wisconsin workers in Hartford, Connecticut. Details are at


This photo shows protesters in Madison, Wisconsin on February 18.
photo by Craig Schreiner of the Wisconsin State Journal from:


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