15 Arrested at Valley Nuke Protest

Fifteen women were arrested June 30 for non-violent civil disobedience outside the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. Vermont Yankee is three miles from Massachusetts and a stone’s throw from New Hampshire. The women who were arrested were Nelia Sargent of Claremont, New Hampshire; Marcia Gagliardi and Hattie Nestel of Athol, Massachusetts; Valerie Mullen of Vershire, Vermont; Lea Wood of Montpelier, Vermont; Frances Crowe and Nancy First of Northampton; Ellen Graves of West Springfield, Massachusetts; Susan Spencer Smith and Robin Lloyd of Burlington, Vermont; Jean Grossholtz of South Hadley, Massachusetts; Betsy Corner of Colrain, Massachusetts; Nina Swaim of Sharon, Vermont; Sandra Boston of Greenfield; and Julia Bonafine of Cuttingsville, Vermont.

Nestel is a spokeswoman for the protesters. "It's long past time to shut down Vermont Yankee," she said. Solar panels should be erected in its place, Nestel added.

The Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) is a group based near Greenfield that has organized protests like this one. Its web site is www.NukeBusters.org Nestel can be contacted through CAN.

More information about Vermont Yankee is at www.valleypost.org/node/556


Arrests at Vermont Yankee

Our actions are not organized by CAN. Our group is autonomous and called the Shut it Down Affinity Group. This was our 12th arrest at Vermont Yankee. We have been doing actions at Vermont Yankee since 2005 and, although arrested and given court dates, never gone to trial as the District Attorney consistently drops the charges. Hattie

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