Local Nuke Affects People in Vermont, NH, Mass., and Nevada

Ian Zabarte, a leader of the Western Shoshone Native American tribe, stands in front of Vermont Yankee. The Shoshone's land includes Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Vermont Yankee's owner says it will... Read more »

Vermont Town Acts to Save Farmland

Voters at Dummerston town meeting March 3 decided to put $10,000 into the town's farmland protection fund. About 200 people were at the meeting. The money can be used to buy land, or to buy... Read more »

Univ. of Massachusetts Students Begin 107-Mile, Five-Day Walk to Protest Fee Hikes

A committee of the University of Massachusetts board of trustees on Feb. 20 approved a 15 percent increase in student fees. That would bring annual tuition for in-state undergraduates to an... Read more »

Amherst Working on Affordable Housing

The proposal to establish an Amherst Affordable Housing Trust Fund, known as Article Six, was defeated in the Nov. 10 special town meeting, but town officials are hopeful it will pass in the... Read more »

Community Confronts Racism: Organizations look toward a meaningful, long-term understanding of issues

Since the past spring and early summer, several organizations have initiated events and programs to address and confront an undercurrent of racial tension in the region.

A group of youths... Read more »