600 at Vermont Yankee Protest Vigil

More than 600 people attended a protest vigil at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant near Brattleboro and Greenfield on March 20. The action was organized by www.NukeBusters.org "NRC" usually stands for Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the federal agency that has more than 1,000 employees and gets 98 percent of its money from the industry it regulates. There are 104 reactors at 65 locations in the U.S. Closing one of them would result in lay-offs at the NRC. More information on Vermont Yankee is at http://valleypost.org/node/536

To make a photo bigger, click on it, then scroll down and click "see full-size image." photos by Eesha Williams


Germany will close many of

Germany will close many of its nukes now; all of them within eight years. Source: www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/04/us-germany-energy-nuclear-idUSTRE7333...

About 400,000 people will get

About 400,000 people will get cancer from the radiation that has been released so far from the current nuclear crisis in Japan. Radiation is still being released. Source: www.nirs.org/fukushima/crisis.htm (4/4/2011 update)

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