137 Arrested at Valley Nuke Protest; 1,500 March

On March 22 in Brattleboro, 137 people were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. They were arrested at the office of Entergy Corporation, which owns the reactor. About 1,500 people marched about three miles from downtown Brattleboro to Entergy's office, where they heard live music and saw street theater.

Eight protesters against Vermont Yankee were arrested at Entergy corporate headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana on March 22. The same day, five protesters against Vermont Yankee were arrested at an Entergy office in White Plains, New York. On March 21, seven women were arrested at Vermont Yankee.

The events were organized by www.NukeBusters.org and other groups. More information is at www.ValleyPost.org/node/677

To enlarge a photo, click on it, then scroll down and click "see full-size image." photos by Eesha Williams


Vermont Yankee March

Thank you, Vermont protestors.
You speak for so many.

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