Photos: March, Rally in Springfield for Justice, Against Big Banks

On September 5, there was a march in Springfield to protest banks that are forcing poor people out of their homes while paying their executives millions of dollars a year. The first photo shows some of the marchers in front of a building at the corner of Maple and Central streets. The march was organized by the same group that organized a rally on July 31 that drew more than 200 people.

The group’s web site is Last year, the group organized non-violent civil disobedience at Bank of America in Springfield.

The first photo was taken by Christina Rahr Lane. Her website is

To enlarge a photo, click on it, then scroll down and click “see full size image.” You can then zoom in even more by putting your mouse pointer over the photo and clicking your mouse.

The second photo shows the July 31 rally. A video of the rally is at:

The video and the second photo are by Joe Oliverio. More videos by Oliverio are at:

He can be reached at


These are the demands we're

These are the demands we're making of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac as part of a larger coalition going to their New York headquarters this week:

1) End all "no-fault evictions" of families after foreclosure;

2) Do principal reduction for "underwater homeowners;"

3) Stop selling thousands of vacant homes to hedge funds and investors.

-Joe Oliverio

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