Northampton Nurses Rally Is September 30

Nurses in Northampton will hold a rally against forced overtime at the hospital, September 30 from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. The public is invited. “Cooley Dickinson continues to place its desire for profits ahead of its concern for patients and those who care for them,” said Sally Surgen, a nurse at Cooley Dickinson hospital.

“Our position on overtime benefits is not a financial issue, it is an issue of patient safety. Studies show that the use of overtime as a staffing tool is detrimental to patient care, leading to an increase in medical errors,” she said.

The rally is being organized by, the union that the Northampton hospital nurses are members of. The rally will be outside the hospital at 30 Locust Street.

Nurses provide 90 percent of the care that patients receive, according to the union.

The Northampton hospital is owned by Partners HealthCare Corporation in Boston. The company's CEO, Gary Gottlieb, was paid $3.1 million in 2010, the most recent year for which data was available.


We are postponing this rally.

We are postponing this rally. We reached agreement in principle Friday night (in negotiations with the hospital) and will be reviewing the final document this weekend. Thanks, to all who were planning to come out in support.

Sally Surgen

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