2,000 March Against Trump

More than 2,000 people marched in Springfield on November 13 to protest the policies proposed by Donald Trump. These policies include cutting taxes for the rich, cutting programs that help poor people, making it easier for oil companies to cause climate change, deporting immigrants, and banning abortion.

Four women organized the protest. The Valley Post interviewed three of them on November 14. One of them is Yoselyn Feliz-Torres. She graduated from Springfield Central high school in 2015 and is now a student at Elms College in Chicopee, Massachusetts. Chicopee borders Springfield. “The amount of love and support that flooded the streets of my hometown yesterday was just overwhelmingly beautiful,” she said. “Initially, my friends and I expected maybe a few hundred attendees. To have over 2,000 people walking and talking with us, spreading thoughts of love and solidarity, was incredible.”

Another organizer was Ambar Garcia. She also graduated from Springfield Central high school and is now a student at Smith College. “I am so happy with the turnout yesterday,” she said. “I'm grateful for everyone that came out and supported the event. I hope everyone takes yesterday's positivity and uses it in their everyday lives. We will continue to spread love, stand up for victims of hate, talk to and educate our classmates, coworkers, friends, and family, and continue to exercise our right to assemble and express, promote, and defend our ideas. Most importantly, we will continue to love one another and rise above hate together. This is only the beginning.”

Organizer Liz Curran-Groome is a Smith College student. “People are tired of not having a voice and are ready to work together to make themselves heard,” she said.

Organizer Perla Garcia lives in Springfield.

More people voted for Hillary Clinton than for Trump, but he will become president because of the Electoral College. On November 12 in New York City, about 10,000 people marched to protest the policies Trump is planning to enact. The same day, some 8,000 people marched in Los Angeles to protest Trump's plan.


Springfield March.

Thank you Valley Post. Please keep up this important coverage of local responses to national events.

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