Police Will Not Penalize Driver Who Hit Pedestrian in Keene

On April 25, a 19-year-old woman, Brittney Frank, was crossing Main Street in Keene in a crosswalk when a car hit her. She was taken to Dartmouth Hitchcock hospital in Keene, where she was treated for a leg injury. Police spokesman Steven LaMears told the Keene Sentinel newspaper that police would not file any charges or traffic citations against the driver who hit the pedestrian.

Also in Keene on April 25, a 19-year-old man was injured while riding his bicycle in an "automobile versus bicycle" accident. He was taken to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene Hospital and was in stable condition, city officials said. Police will release details soon.

More people would walk and ride bicycles instead of driving if there were more sidewalks and bicycle paths that were separated from cars by a physical barrier, such as two concrete curbs with three feet of grass and trees in between the curbs, studies show. Groups that are lobbying for this include www.bwaNH.org and www.MassBike.org and www.VtBikePed.org and www.BikeLeague.org

Last year, cars killed a cyclist in Amherst and seriously injured another cyclist near Brattleboro. Neither driver went to jail. Details are at:



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