Legendary Folk Singer Charlie King Concert Will Benefit Valley Post

Charlie King will perform a benefit concert for the Valley Post on October 2 in Hadley, Massachusetts, near Northampton. Pete Seeger said, "Charlie King is one of the finest singers and songwriters of our time."

Billboard magazine, founded in 1894, calls itself “the world's premier music publication.” The magazine's web site says more than 4 million people visit it every month. Billboard magazine said, "With encouraging regularity, Charlie King emerges from his self-reflection to remind us of the happy resilience of the human spirit. His message songs vary between the funny and the frightening, but he pulls them off with unvarying taste, musical skill, and charm."

More info is at www.CharlieKing.org

Please come to this benefit concert for the Valley Post at 6:30 p.m. The concert will be at a small church by a beautiful lake, on a quiet road. The North Hadley Congregational Church is at 243 River Drive in Hadley. It is three miles from UMass Amherst and six miles from downtown Northampton. Directions are available at www.maps.google.com The Valley Post will provide free rides from UMass Amherst to the concert and back for people who RSVP by October 1. UMass is easy to reach on Amtrak and www.pvta.com

Tickets to the concert are $10. They must be reserved by October 1. Please click "Donate" on the right side of this page (or send a check to the address on the "Contact" page), then click "Contact" and send an e-mail to let us know you're coming. If there are any tickets left unsold, they will be available at the door.

If you can't make it to the concert, please send a donation anyway. Producing the Valley Post costs money. Donations are tax deductible. (See the "About" page for details.) Thank you!


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