Photo: Fiddleheads

This photo was taken on May 4 at a park in Greenfield. It shows fiddleheads next to a stream. A fiddlehead is a baby fern. Some of the kinds of fiddleheads that grow in the Valley can be eaten. Fiddleheads must be boiled or steamed before eating them. This photo was taken at the 200 acre Griswold Conservation Area, which is owned by the town. Fiddleheads should not be taken from the park.

Camping in the park is allowed with written permission, according to a sign in the parking lot. Details are available from the mayor's office:

There is an almost flat hayfield in the park. Most of the park is hilly and forested. To enlarge the photo, click on it, then click "see full-size image." photo by Eesha Williams


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