Springfield Rally at Congressman's Office March 30

In Springfield on March 30 at 3 p.m., there will be a rally at the office of congressman Richard Neal. The rally organizers want Neal to commit to voting against the Trans-Pacific Partnership. If passed, the Partnership would reduce workers' wages in the Valley; would make dictators richer in Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei; would hurt farmers in the Valley by increasing the amount of food imported into the USA from Mexico; and would speed up climate change. That's according to www.citizen.org/tpp.

The one-hour rally will be at 300 State Street. It's being organized by the local chapter of Jobs With Justice, which has a web site at www.jwj.org.

This photo shows Mina Itabashi, who will speak at the rally. She works for www.citizen.org. photo by www.ExposeTheTPP.org


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