Solidarity Victory

Activists who had been planning a rally for workers' rights in Deerfield, Massachusetts on October 5 won a victory on October 3. Deerfield borders Greenfield. The activists cancelled the rally. Migrant Justice, a group of Latino farm workers in Vermont, announced it had reached a legally binding agreement with Unilever Corporation, the owner of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Under the deal, wages will go up, and workers won other gains.

The Northampton-based Pioneer Valley Workers Center was planning a rally outside the Ben and Jerry's store in Deerfield to support the farm workers. Among the goals were higher wages for the Vermont workers who milk cows for Unilever. Many of the workers at the farms where the milk used by Ben and Jerry's is from were paid below minimum wage. Unilever also owns Dove soap, Vaseline, “I Can't Believe It's Not Butter,” and other companies. The CEO of Unilever was paid $9.9 million last year.

U.S. senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont wrote the introduction to the book Milk Money. On page 214, a medical doctor says that when you drink non-organic milk “you're drinking a lot of pasteurized pus.” One way to avoid that is to only eat cheese and other dairy products if they are organic, according to the book. Ben and Jerry's is made from non-organic milk. Organic ice cream is widely available at grocery stores.


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