Rally to Aid Homeless

In Springfield on December 21, there will be a rally calling on politicians to do more to help homeless people. The event starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 5 p.m. It will be at 310 State Street. As of December 20, more than 40 people had RSVP'd. Details are at:


In other news from the Valley, on December 19, Keene State College announced it had signed a union contract with 258 of its workers. More information is at:


In other news from the Valley, in Amherst on December 14, Kestrel Trust announced in an e-mail to its members it has saved 116 acres of forestland in Belchertown and the neighboring town of Amherst from development.

In other news from the Valley, in South Hadley, Massachusetts there was a rally to protest President Trump's tax cuts for billionaires. South Hadley borders Holyoke. The rally was on December 16. Lori Souder was one of about two dozen people at the rally. She runs the Center Church of South Hadley.


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