Rally to Shut Pipeline is January 10

In Agawam, Massachusetts at noon on January 10, there will be a rally to close a fracked gas pipeline in the Valley. Agawam borders Springfield. The rally will be at 1651 Suffield Street. The organizers have a web site at www.SugarShackAlliance.org. More information is available by calling Priscilla Lynch at (413) 522-5224.

Fracked gas causes climate change, which the world's leading scientists say is a major threat to earth's ability to support human life. One of the best ways to stop climate change is to protect open space.

Protecting open space encourages people to live in downtowns where they can travel on foot, by bicycle, or by public transportation. Cars are one of the biggest causes of climate change. In New York City, millionaires live in apartments. People who live in cities use only about half as much electricity as people who don’t. Multi-family housing is more energy efficient than single-family housing -- heated and air conditioned air leaks into neighboring apartments, rather than outdoors.

Politicians decide how much to invest in protecting open space, versus the military and tax cuts for billionaires. In Vermont, low and middle income people pay about 10 percent of their income in taxes. Rich Vermonters pay about 7 percent. The situation is similar in Massachusetts, and even more favorable to the rich in New Hampshire.

To fund schools, low and middle income Vermonters pay 3 percent of their income; rich Vermonters pay 0.5 percent. Again, this is similar to Massachusetts and even worse for poor people in New Hampshire.

In other news from the Valley, the number of people who have RSVP'd for the Northampton Women's March has reached 1,100. More information is at:


A documentary about the 2017 Women's Marches will be shown for free on January 20, 2018 at 3 p.m. at 129 Main Street in Northampton. The film will not be available to the public to watch at home until late 2018. The filmmakers allowed the Valley Post to watch the film. It is outstanding. More information is at


and www.WomensMarchFilm.com.


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