Green Mountain National Forest in Danger

Unless people get active to stop the plan, thousands of acres of Green Mountain National Forest that are about 10 miles from Brattleboro will probably be clearcut logged soon. “They are coming hard with the chainsaws to Green Mountain National Forest,” Chris Matera told the Valley Post. “What a sorry site it will be to look down from the top of Mount Snow and see clearcuts instead of that beautiful intact forest we see now.” A photo of that view is at:

Matera lives in Northampton and was the main subject of a New York Times article about logging. To get an idea of what this logging will look like, see “before and after” photos that Matera took last year in New Hampshire at:

Activists are focusing on stopping logging on publicly owned land. Banning clearcut logging, or all logging, there would result in logging companies buying more land, which in turn would keep that land from being converted to vacation houses, roads, parking lots, and strip malls.

To get involved, contact Matera by e-mail at or by phone at (413) 341-3878.

In other news from the Valley, free bus rides are available from Springfield to the statehouse in Boston for a May 8 rally for a $15 an hour minimum wage. The rally is at 1 p.m. For more information contact the local chapter of Jobs With Justice via

In other news from the Valley, hundreds of people attended a rally for gun control in Springfield, on April 27. The event was organized by a group that has a web site at


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