Mount Holyoke Stirs

Among the colleges in the Valley, Mount Holyoke hasn't ranked at the top for student activism. That may be changing. On November 8 at 1 p.m., there will be a climate march from Abbey Chapel to Mary Lyon Hall. A campus map is at:

The march organizers wrote, “Following our last action, President Sonya Stephens told MHC students... that she would make a statement acknowledging the climate crisis. She has yet to follow through.... Rallying together, we will hold President Stephens accountable to this promise. This acknowledgment will move MHC one step closer to divestment. Join us in ensuring that Mount Holyoke is on the right side of history regarding the climate crisis.”

Details are at:


On November 3, a land trust announced it had protected 180 acres of farmland in Hadley, Massachusetts from development. Hadley borders Amherst and Northampton. Kestrel Land Trust said the land is along Shattuck Road. Politicians decide how much to invest in protecting open space versus war, prison for non-violent people, and tax cuts for billionaires.


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