Greenfield Black Lives Matter Rally is August 1

In Greenfield on August 1, there will be a Black Lives Matter rally at 10 a.m. at the town common at the corner of Main Street and Route 5. The organizers have a web site at


In Springfield, there was a rally to call on politicians to stop landlords from evicting their tenants, and to help low-income landlords. Eleven people were at the rally, which was on July 22. The organizers have a web site at


On July 27 a federal government spokesman told the Valley Post that Vermont is losing about 14,000 acres of forest every year, mostly due to construction of vacation houses that are almost always vacant. Land trusts like the Vermont Land Trust, which has a Brattleboro office, protect land from development. Politicians decide how much money to give to land trusts. Most forestland protected by land trusts gets logged. A Massachusetts based group that works throughout New England to stop logging has a web site at


Bath, Maine is three hours by car from Keene. In Bath, 4,300 workers are on strike. They have been on strike for six weeks. They are boat builders. The workers have a web site at:

Democracy and the kind of extreme economic inequality that now exists in the USA are incompatible. Unions reduce inequality.


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