Civil Disobedience

About 70 people attended a Springfield rally on August 24. The organizers said, “Congress is finalizing the big infrastructure and recovery package, with trillions of dollars at stake. Let’s push them to invest in climate solutions, care workers, jobs, and justice.” The rally was outside 300 State Street. One of the groups that endorsed the event has a web site at

Biden and the Democrats who run congress say by late September they will approve the infrastructure and economic recovery bills. All the members of the house are on vacation until September 20.


A Keene activist was arrested with four other people at the New Hampshire statehouse for nonviolent civil disobedience. Keene is 20 minutes by bus from Brattleboro. On August 20, the activists and their supporters held a rally outside the courthouse where they had a court date for the June arrests. They were fighting for justice. They have a web site at

In New Hampshire, Trump got 46 percent of the vote against Biden. In Massachusetts Trump got 32 percent; in Vermont 31.

In New Hampshire the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. In Massachusetts it's $13.50; in Vermont $11.75. In 2019, the Valley Post interviewed Dunkin' Donuts and Taco Bell workers in Keene who were paid $8 an hour by companies that pay their CEOs millions of dollars a year.


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