50 Rally

In Springfield about 20 people attended a rally on July 11. Charles Stokes lives in Springfield. He moved there 50 years ago from New Jersey. He is 60 years old. He was at the rally. “The mayor and city council need to make it easy for people to access health care, including addiction and mental health care,” Stokes told the Valley Post in a voice phone interview on July 13. “Community gardens too.” These things would reduce violent crime, and the number of people in prison, Stokes said.

A list of other goals of the people at the rally are available via the organizers' web site: https://SpringfieldJustice.org


Dozens of people attended an abortion rights rally in Bellows Falls, Vermont on July 16. Bellows Falls is in the same county as Brattleboro. A woman who was at the rally did not immediately respond to an interview request. The Valley Post will update this article when she responds.


In Greenfield on July 16 about 12 people were at a peace rally, organizer Emily Greene told the Valley Post.


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