Martin Luther King Day Rally in Springfield

In Springfield, a white man who makes about $20 million a year is trying to evict an African American woman from her modest home. On Martin Luther King Day, there will be a rally to protest the action by Chase Bank CEO James Dimon. Deb Graham is offering to buy her foreclosed home back from Chase at the home's current market value, rally organizers say. Chase is rejecting her offer.

The rally will be in front of Graham's home, 54 Warrenton Street, at 6 p.m. on January 19.

More information is available by calling the organizers at (413) 342-1804 or by visiting their web site:

The same group that is organizing this rally has succeeded in stopping giant banks like Chase from evicting several low income Springfield residents from their homes. An article, with a photo, about one of these victories is at:

The same group organized a march and rally in 2011 in Springfield that was attended by hundreds of people. At that rally, 15 people were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience at Bank of America. Photos are at:

No arrests are planned for the January 19 rally.

A photo of Graham is below. To enlarge the photo, click on it, then scroll down and click “see full size image.” photo by


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