Photos: Halloween March to Stop Pipeline

These photos were taken on October 31 in Keene. They show a march against a proposed fracked gas pipeline. The proposal comes from Texas-based Kinder Morgan Corporation. The pipeline would be near Keene and Greenfield. It would carry gas that is mined using a process called “fracking,” which poisons drinking water. Fracked gas is a fossil fuel. It causes climate change, which the world's leading scientists say is a major threat to earth's ability to support human life.

Energy costs for poor and working class people can be lowered with government-subsidized programs to improve insulation and weatherization. These programs can be funded by cutting the USA's $1.3 trillion annual military budget (with 5 percent of the world's population, the USA spends as much on the military as the rest of the world combined) and/or raising taxes on billionaires.

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photos by Eesha Williams

More information about the pipeline is at:

About 100 people attended the march, which was organized by Stephanie Scherr of the group Stop the NH Pipeline, which has a web site at There is no phone number at that site, but the site says it's affiliated with another group which does have a phone number:



THANK YOU to the Valley Post, Keene & Keene Police!

THANK YOU Eesha Williams and the Valley Post for attending and covering our rally and for the great photos. We appreciate the consistently excellent work you do in keeping the voices of the people out there!

We respectfully and peacefully assembled and were marching down the sidewalk, stopped at a light to cross and to our delighted surprise, the Keene Police stopped traffic and kindly escorted across safely. At each street crossing we were greeted by a friendly officer who smiled and wished us a good day. We were all very thankful for their effort on behalf of our safety and felt rather special in having had such thoughtful, unsolicited treatment.

Our work is to raise awareness and inform the citizens of the Monadnock Region about the proposed pipeline and what they can do to protect themselves, their families, land and health. We come from more than 17 towns in Southern NH and are here to answer your questions!

We can be contacted at:
SS.ECHOaction (at) yahoo (dot) com

Stop The NH Pipeline: Monadnock Region
ECHO Action
No Pipeline in Southern NH


Thank you to all

Thank you to the Keene police who helped us cross the street with the pipeline. Thank you for covering this event. It's important to keep educating everyone!

Thank you for covering our event!

Thank you, Eesha Williams and the Valley Post, for covering this event and these great pictures!
The Keene Police were also just awesome!

yes thanks to all

Keene police were awesome!!!! and thanks for covering our event

Keene police Rocks!

Out of the blue, the Keene City police offered to help us march down West Street to center square. They stopped traffic for us. They were extremely helpful. Keene Police Rock!

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