Valley Activism Heats Up

Between December 2 and December 7, four rallies are planned in the Valley. Two are to protest billion dollar banks that are trying to evict poor people from their homes. One rally is to win justice for Verizon workers. Another is to call on politicians to deal with climate change.

On December 2 at 12:30 p.m. at 28 Edgemont Street in Springfield, activists will protest PNC Bank, which wants to evict Jacques and Marie Fortilus from their home. Event organizers have a web site at They have had a number of recent victories. Details, and photos, are at:

On December 3 at 4:30 p.m. at 1123 Riverdale Street in West Springfield, people will call on Verizon to stop stalling in negotiations with its workers for a new union contract. The workers have web sites at and Organizers are asking people to RSVP at:

More information is available by e-mailing Jon Weissman at or calling him at (413) 314-3095.

On December 6 at noon at 44 Central Square in Keene, there will be a rally to get politicians to address climate change. The event is being organized by Brian Rogers and Wyatt Ronan of NextGen Climate. "Our group has members in Keene and in the surrounding area," Ronan told the Valley Post in a telephone interview on December 1. He can be reached at or by phone at (646) 248-2522. Rogers can be reached at

Finally, on December 7 at 12:30 p.m., there will be another rally to protest another billion dollar bank that is trying to evict another poor family in Springfield. Details are available via


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