March for Campaign Finance Reform

This photo shows a march for campaign finance reform August 13 near Keene. To enlarge the photo, click on it, then scroll down and click "see full size image." Members of Congress take millions of dollars from rich people to pay for TV commercials for the politicians' election campaigns. Most of these rich “donors” want something in return. If they have employees they often want to prevent increases in the minimum wage (the richest family in the world, the Waltons, own Wal-Mart).

If they own stock in Exxon Mobil they may want to prevent a tax increase on oil and gas that could improve Amtrak. If they own a company that makes bombs for the Army they want to keep military spending high. Most rich people don't want increased taxes on rich people. So they invest in politicians' elections campaigns.

"It's legalized bribery," said Fred Wertheimer, a nationally known campaign finance reform activist.

The August 13 march was organized by a group that has a web site at photo by

Adam Smith works for That's a group that advocates ending rich people's control of American politics. Smith told the Valley Post that Connecticut enacted the kind of campaign finance reform his group advocates at the state and federal level. “Connecticut enacted its system in 2008,” he said. “Since then, the state became the first in the nation to pass paid sick days legislation, and the first to increase the minimum wage to $10.10.”

According to, "Real campaign finance reform must happen as soon as possible. That is why we must overturn, through a constitutional amendment, the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision as well as the Buckley v. Valeo decision. That is why we need to pass legislation to require wealthy individuals and corporations who make large campaign contributions to disclose where their money is going. More importantly, it is why we need to move toward the public funding of elections."


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