Photos: Protesters Arrested at TD Bank

Three protesters were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience at the TD Bank in downtown Brattleboro on February 22 as 50 or so supporters sang "We Shall Overcome." They want TD Bank to stop funding construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which would carry oil that causes climate change. The people arrested were Linda Pon Owen, Tim Stevenson, and Daniel Sicken (pronounced "SEE-kin"). The event was promoted by the Brattleboro chapter of, which has contact information for the people who were arrested. The second photo shows Stevenson in the foreground. To enlarge a photo, click on it, then scroll down and click "see full-size image." photos by Eesha Williams


This action was promoted and

This action was promoted and organized by the 99th Monkee Affinity Group (all three who were arrested are members of this group), which is a project of Post Oil Solutions.

Tim Stevenson
Founding Director
Post Oil Solutions
(802) 869-2141

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